Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eccentrix Desk

“When the creative impulse sweeps over you, grab it. You grab it and honor it and use it, because momentum is a rare gift” – Justina Chen.
Well, that is exactly is what has made “Eccentrix” possible. We are a bunch of people with diverse interests, different perspectives but one common streak of stubborn passion and creative sense. We are here to share our take of the world and its many facets with you in our own eccentric(x) way. Eccentrix is a new initiative, a different idea – the idea of an online magazine that caters to all sections of people.
For all the travel addicts we have a delight of a column called “Dromomania” by N&N, for all the people whose soul is driven by the love of cars and bikes , we have “Rearview Mirror” by an equally enthusiastic automobile zealot(Nova) ! If you are somebody whose life is incomplete without books , well then “Bookshelf” by Wanna-be-Savant awaits you! Life is now impossible without gadgets , to know what gadget is right and not right for you , check out “Kinitos” by Vandhiyadevan! Our country is going through a revolutionary storm of political and society change, “களம்” by வேனிற்கோ gives you an uncensored version of it along with a current affairs column "நெற்றிக்கண்" ! For all the people who love random musing and uncomplicated reading , “Nikipedia” by our very own Chennai ponnu is gonna be your new Wikipedia!

It’s not just these, we have much much more in store for you in the coming weeks ! Stay online every Saturday to get your mind dazzled and soul moved!
The Eccentrix team is here to serve you !
Adios !
-         Team Eccentrix!

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