Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Whenever we talk about social evils, I am pretty sure alcohol would definitely be in everybody’s top 10 at least. There is nobody here that does not know that alcohol is bad for health. It can lead to serious diseases such as liver failure, sometimes kidney failure also. Young people who start drinking are always warned that they are going to spoil their health, fall sick, and get into accidents and what not! It is supposed to scare them off of the drinking habit. I have a new bit of information that might actually succeed in scaring such people if at all, they care about having a fulfilling life.   
This is to all you people having regular drink sessions with your buddies, knocking back more than a few as a regular party custom or having more than four drinks a day to “relieve” yourself from your daily stressful lives . I have news for you, soon, hangovers and liver failure is going to sound very pleasant when the alcohol you consume actually starts affecting the most important organ of your body – the brain!! 


Anybody who has seen a drunken person cannot argue with the opinion that the consumption of alcohol seriously impairs the brain functions. Slurred speech, wobbling stance, unable to articulate thoughts properly are the normal indicators of a heavily drunk person. Some people even have blackouts when they consume more than 5 drinks in 2 hours (men) and 4 drinks in 2 hours (women).
Hangovers, blackouts or severe headache that occurs the day after the drinking episode are just small time effects of alcohol on one’s brain activity.
Our brain functions as the central information and command center of our body by constantly obtaining information on everything we come into contact, storing them and using them later to help us make decisions, recall incidents , etc. These are called as the cognitive functions of the brain. A bigger explanation on them has been given in the “Stereotype” article. Now, these functions are enabled by the help of a set of chemicals called neurotransmitters. They carry the information around and deliver them wherever and whenever needed. Alcohol affects the brain functions by altering the levels of neurotransmitters, so that important messages involving thought processes, emotions and behavior do not get delivered to the sense organs. In layman terms, your brain functions but does not co ordinate with your sensory organs making it impossible for you to express yourself, form a coherent thought and take decisions even about small things like which door to use for exiting!! Imagine how difficult your life would become then, not only for you but for your family too!


The above stated effects are about the short-term effect of alcohol on brain. So what happens when you continue drinking daily at a rate of 5 drinks per day? Each and every part of your brain gets affected, resulting in a great impact on your memory-related faculties, co ordination abilities and also other organ related diseases. We all know that liver, the organ that is responsible for breaking down alcohol into smaller substances, is the worst affected by it. But, brain cells are now being considered as being affected as much as liver does in the long run. While you can undergo liver transplant to restore your body to normal conditions, growing brain cells or restoring functions is a very lengthy and often an unsuccessful process. 

Cognitive thinking

The white matter in our brain, responsible for cognitive functions and transmission of messages to cognitive areas, are also highly damaged due to prolonged consumption of alcohol. Loss of memory, slowed thinking, impaired problem solving and decision making are especially vulnerable to damage caused by alcohol consumption, because it disrupts white matter connections to the cerebral cortex and deep brain structures necessary for these mental functions.

Brain Shrinkage

Long-term drinking can leave permanent damage, causing the brain to shrink and leading to ­deficiencies in the fibers (nerve like structures) that carry information between brain cells. Many alcoholics develop a condition called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is caused by a deficiency of thiamine (a B vitamin type). This deficiency occurs because alcohol interferes with the way the body absorbs B vitamins. People with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome experience mental confusion and lack of coordination, and they may also have memory and learning problems. Alcohol makes it very difficult for the body to absorb Vitamin B, hence people who consume it on a daily basis have high risks of being affected by mental illnesses such as memory problems, anxiety, depression, schizophrenic disorders, etc. 


Our brain stores information about a multitude of things, hence our memory is divided into three main categories based on the type of information stored, for easy understanding and analysis. They are explicit memory, implicit memory and work-process memory.
Explicit memory is responsible for recalling incidents and information that require conscious effort such as the time and venue of a party(episodic memory), or a person’s name(semantic memory). Alcohol severely impairs episodic encoding making it difficult to retrieve recently learnt information also, while due to alcohol’s effect on the Central Nervous System, semantic memory is also hampered because the storage and consolidation of the information retrieved is restricted by the effect of alcohol. Again in layman terms, your brain might store information in episodic memory but make it difficult to retrieve it while semantic memory elements such as name of a person, age , relation might not get stored at all with the continuous drinking habit.
Implicit and work-process memory are both types of procedural memory , i.e., they store information required to perform tasks that are done on a daily basis, like driving a car, tying your shoe laces. While this memory is not affected much by alcohol, poor recall ability caused by the effects of alcohol on other brain areas, a person might forget or be unable to obey certain stimuli responses while doing these tasks, like balancing oneself while tying the lace, or being careful on speed blocks while driving, etc.

Bottom line

I know it is a very long article infested with what people like to call, science mumbo-jumbo or crazy psych talk, but I would just like to call the attention of the people who indulge in drinking habits on a daily basis to a few simple facts :
1. You might not have any big physical illness due to your alcohol consumption, but you cannot save your brain being affected by it. Your brain starts shrinking, nerve ends start being less sensitive after 2-4 weeks of regular alcohol consumption.
2. Liver failure looks and sounds very serious but there is an immediate cure for it, using today’s advance techniques in the field of medicine while it would take at least 7-8 months for your brain to be restored to its normal function after you give up alcohol completely.
3.Falling sick physically can be handled, coped by a lot of people but mental illness does not affect the patient alone, it has a long standing effect on the patient’s family, friends, society.
So, if you are young and having fun with drinking, kindly know your limits and consider giving up alcohol, if you plan on living a happy and fulfilling life. For people, who are well past the fun stage and are into the addiction phase of the habit, please contact your local doctor to start your treatment and avoid any lasting damage to the brain and other vital organs.

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