Sunday, February 9, 2014


Asexual..Bisexual..Heterosexual..Homosexual!! What else exists, we have no clue! Well, for some of you, talking about this might make you go Ewww while for some, it might be interesting. Before you let your imagination run wild, hit the brakes. Think! Have you mocked at a homosexual? Have you turned your face to one? Have you been scared by one? Why are you indifferent to them? Have you ever pondered over how or why there is a sexual orientation as homosexuals? Bewildered huh? We read homosexuality in novels. We have our favourite celebrities who are homosexuals. But why this indifference when there is homosexuality right outside your doorstep! Let us dig into the homosexuality enigma and maybe have a reforged outlook on Homosexuality.

            Like most of the English words, the word “homosexual” is also derived from a Greek word that implies same sex. Needs no further explanation! Does it? It is the physical or romantic attraction that develops between people of same sex. Homosexuality is one of the three major types of heterosexual-homosexual continumm. Heterosexual-homosexual continumm is a psychological cycle for understanding the transformation in human sexuality on a continuous spectrum from exclusive attraction to the opposite sex to the exclusive attraction to the same sex.  Often referred to as gays (male or male and female) or lesbians (female), the homosexuals do not come out of their closets because of homophobia i.e. all negative reactions to homosexuals and heterosexist discrimination. And hence, there is no substantial data on the number of homosexuals in the world. 
            When we turn the pages of history, the first sign of homosexuality is presumed to have been identified in a male couple namely Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, who lived around 2400 BC in Egypt.  On the flip side,  anthropologists Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe reported that women in Lesotho (which is one of the members of the Common wealth nations sandwiched by South Africa on all its sides) engaged in socially sanctioned long term, erotic relationships called motsoalle. Certain reports also say that the warriors of Congo were involved sexually with men as young as twelve or thirteen years who looked after their household chores. While America was not far behind! Homosexuality existed in America under a different name called “Two-Spirit individuals”. The Spanish conquerors were however horrified by homosexuals and resorted to extreme punishments for homosexual behavior.  Confucianism, being primarily a social and political philosophy, focused little on sexuality, whether homosexual or heterosexual. To our shock, Ming Dynasty literature (Bian Er Chai) depict homosexual relationships between men as far more enjoyable and more harmonious than heterosexual relationships. Cretans considered homosexuality as a means of population control. Most of the Roman emperors took to male lovers. A controversial pair was the Duke of Buckingham and King James I.  An anonymous pamphlet about them which read “The world has changd I not know how, for men kiss men, not women now” spread like wild fire. Be it the Middle East or Germany or anywhere in the world, homosexuality was wide spread and is even predicted to have existed since the evolution of mankind. While Indian mythology is concerned, the Kama Sutra does mention about attraction between same sex.
            Sexual orientation is integrally linked to the intimate personal relationships that human beings form with others to meet their deeply felt needs for love, attachment, and intimacy. In addition to sexual behavior, these bonds encompass nonsexual physical affection between partners. Psychologists were the first to identify homosexuality in the modern world. They categorized it as a disease till the 19th century. In retaliation to this curt remark, over the years, some psychologists took to this issue and declared homosexuals as normal people with normal brain activity and health conditions. What is homosexuality then? How does it arise?? There is always a big fight on the reason for homosexuality. Is it nature or nuture?   Parents of homosexual children tend to bear this burden that their early parenting blunders may have caused homosexuality in their children. However research proves that, hormonal and genetic activity that occurs during the foetal growth which influences brain structure are the reasons behind homosexuality. The structural differences in brain with regard to symmetry and nerve connections may decide the sexual orientation. To sum it up, there is no consensus on the reason for homosexuality. However it can be considered as a combination of genetic, hormonal and social-environmental influences that result in homosexuality.
            Till the break of the 20th century there was a wide spread belief that in a homosexual relationship, one of the members would have the physical or emotional characteristics of the opposite sex. An individual homosexual maybe be masculine or feminine or androgynous. Some studies report that the seeds of homosexuality begin to surface with childhood gender non-conformity which is a phenomenon where pre-pubescent children do not conform to expected gender related sociological and psychological patterns. Did you know there is a scale to measure your sexuality?? Oh yes! The Kinsey scale measures your sexuality from sexual behavior surveys. 0 denotes exclusively heterosexual while 6 refers to exclusively homosexual. A big question arose in 2008 as to how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency. The answer to the question is still hypothetical! The research on homosexuality hit a rock bottom when a revelation came across. Homosexuals are classified into three categories. The first type are biological. The second type are those who do it socially as a fad or because of weak character or insecurity as in prisoners as depicted in most novels. The third type  are bisexuals who try to fornicate with both sexes.
            The religious take on homosexuality is no mystery! It is a widespread notion. Be it Christianity or Judaism or Islam, homosexuality is considered a haram. The Catholics are now forcing Pope Francis to speak out against the LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) rights. Hindiusm is diverse and doesn’t supposedly have any evidence against homosexuality.  However,  some eminent religious leaders have voted against same sex relationships and hence are the followers. Buddhism condemns any form of sexual activity itself as a practice of controlling one’s cravings. It all boils down to one religion which supports homosexuality. And we call it HUMANISM! 
            Whether you are a cisgender or a transgender or a hetero sexual or a homo sexual or even a celibate it doesn’t matter! You could be Ricky Martin or Dolce and Gabbana or Neil Patrick or our very own Vikram Seth.  Sexual orientation may define what you are literally on the inside. However, there is something more to inside than just hormones or genes and that cannot be defined by a sexual status. Like Pope Francis said Who am I to judge?  Live your life the way you want it! Nobody but you can take that right away! 

So..Be the change you want to see in the world! 


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