Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Eccentrix Desk

Every writer needs a muse, his inspiration that kindles the fire in his soul and compels him to give words to the most abstract thoughts in one’s mind. This week at our magazine, we also found a muse – WOMEN! The team Eccentrix is paying their tribute to all the women in the world on International Women’s Day by celebrating their achievement in every sphere and bringing the spotlight on the ladies highly effectively!

Cricket, as a sport is a lot like our society, it is a male dominated arena. But, just like our society women have been chipping away the mountainous roadblocks put in front of them for decades to gain a foothold in this sport. To know more about these sporty women, check out Vandhiyadevan’s column on cricket stats, “Tragánisma Arithmoús“. I am sure you would be in total awe of these great women. Wanna-be-Savant this week is talking about all the female fiction writers, who made a difference in her life by penning down some great female characters. To know, who are the women who made it to the list, click on Bookshelf. Bike riding is a man’s passion, bike riders are almost synonymous with the male gender, but there is one lady who has claimed the sport of stunt bike riding for her through sheer grit and determination. You want to know who it is. Rearview mirror by Nova is going to be quenching your curiosity on that one. This week on “நெற்றிக்கண்”, we have an eye opening account of world affairs that concern women by “வேனிற்கோ“. Read that and you might actually want to leave this planet once and for all. Dromomania, this week is tracing the interesting connection between women and cooking. What is it that makes them such artists in the kitchen? Well, N&N has the answer for you. Chennai Ponnu, has gone full on with the theme by talking about the most influential women till now, who have broken all barriers of the society and achieved what they wanted from life. 

We hope that we have done justice to womankind! We love them and salute them for their extraordinary contribution in making the world a better place to live!

See you next week!


Team Eccentrix

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