Monday, April 7, 2014


Are you tired of struggling with tangled, broken dry and damaged hair?
Do tangles, knots, and breakage bother you from having long hair?
Have you given up on long hair because you think it is too difficult to maintain?
Then you’re in the right place. Scroll down and learn how to easily maintain your hair.
Hair care tips
Long hair, short hair, straight hair, curly hair does not matter what actually matters is “beautiful hair”. Here are some tips for better hair.

Scalp care:

Aloe Vera-  by applying the inner gel of Aloe Vera plant on to your scalp it reduces your body hear and hence hair loss due to over stress reduces and stops under regular use (once a weak)
Oil- oil is very essential to have beautiful hair. It should be applied an hour or 2 before hair wash it helps to moisturizes your scalp and prevents it from dandruff and dry scalp. (before every hair wash)
Note: oil left for days unwashed attracts dust and makes your hair dirty which leads to split ends and breakages.
Lemon and olives- lemon juice mixed with olive oil and water is also a good scalp care product. It reduces itching and also moisturizes the scalp.  (Once in month)

Hair care:

Egg- egg white applied and left for an hour before regular shampoo wash gives you silky hair. It is one of the cheapest conditioners. (Once in 2weaks)
Curd- One full cup curd should be applied from top to the bottom of your hair before hair wash. It reduces the damages and helps to repair the breakages and split ends. (Once a weak)
Beer- flat beer (beer left open for couple of hours) is a very good conditioner it helps to strengthen your hair and makes it healthy.

Hair spa

Hair spa (head massage) is another way to maintain your hair hail and healthy.
This is become very common in these days. It is performed in every parlors and saloons. It is good to take a hair spa once a month or once in 3months depending on the time you have for it. It will take at least an hour. This will reduce your stress and gives you relaxation. It also changes your hair texture for good.
Shampoos and conditioners
India in different from other countries when compared it has more pollution then other foreign countries hence the most of the international products gives bad results in India and also each hair is different from other hence each of them need different treatment hence no one tell this shampoo is the best and this is not. One has to try out different brands to find the best for their hair.

Top brands

  • L’oreal paris
  • Sunsilk
  • Dove
  • Clinic plus
  • The body shop

Hair dos College/office

  • Short hair-
  • Ponytail
  • Loose hair
  • Long hair-
  • Plat
  • Bun
  • French plat


 Blow dry



Trending hair do
Fish tail


-Chennai Ponnu

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