Monday, April 21, 2014

Eccentrix Desk

India has the privilege of calling itself the largest democracy in the world. Additionally, demographically speaking it figures in the list of one of the youngest nations in the world. Incidentally, these two things are being brought together in this year’s Lok Sabha Elections. So, Team Eccentrix has decided to bring out an “Election Special Issue” to tell the people what exactly is happening in this year’s major event and also what the Gen X and Y feels about it . 

The magazine has a collection of a very different set of articles this week. Generally, they say that youth of our country are not very responsible, and they don’t know much about politics nor are they interested. But, is that true? To find this out, Chennai Ponnu conducted a small survey for her column Nikipedia. I am sure the results of that survey is going to leave you all stumped. 

Every time, we think election, we think the huge campaigns, hoardings, etc. Specially, this year all the candidates and the political parties pulled out all stops from giving advertisements centering the youth to launching their own theme songs. Wanna-be-Savant has investigated the motivation behind these tactics and their effect on the voting population in her column Psyche-Aware. Check it out to know more all the mind games. 

Few years back, India replaced the ballot box with Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). With this machine, leaving a lot of aged voters stumped, Vandhiyadevan decided to do a piece on the machine so that the new voters can go in informed to the polling booths, and cast their vote without confusion. Information on this innovative piece of machinery is a must know for everybody in our nation.

This election, our campaigners have literally crossed all the constituencies umpteen times. Every week, key personalities were seen travelling to various parts of the country, campaigning, interacting with the public, holding meetings and what not. N&N this week, brings you a detailed account of their travels in the Dromomania Column.

This summer, is very special for India. First, T20 world cup, now elections and IPL , there is no shortage of important events happening around the country. Do you know that cricket and politics has always enjoyed a very close relationship in our country? To know more about the Cricketers who dabbled in the politics world, don’t forget to read Vandhiyadevan’s cricket column .

Vote India. Vote for Change and vote for yourself because remember, Democracy is “by the people, of the people and for the people”. 

Lets join hands for a better future.

See you next week.


Team Eccentrix.

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